This section provides access to resources useful to understand the history and process towards the ad hoc open-ended working group on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution.
UNEA reports on chemicals, waste and pollution and on the science-policy interface
Chemicals and Waste Reports for UNEA 5
Strengthening the Science-Policy Interface in International Chemicals Governance
Strengthening the Science-Policy Interface: A gap analysis
UNEP reports on chemicals, waste and pollution
Global Waste Management Outlook II
Global Chemicals Outlook II: From Legacies to Innovative Solutions
Other relevant reports on chemicals, waste and pollution
From science to action under the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions
The impact of chemicals, waste and pollution on human health (WHO)
Exposure to hazardous chemicals at work and resulting health impacts: a global review (ILO)
UNEA Resolutions and Governing Council decisions on chemicals, waste and pollution and/or on strengthening the science-policy interface
UNEA Resolution 4/8: Sound management of chemicals and waste
UNEA Resolution 3/4: Environment and health
UNEA Resolution 2/7: Sound management of chemicals and wastes
UNEA Resolution 1/4: Science-policy interface
Governing Council Decision 27/12: Chemicals and Waste Management
An information note prepared for the third session of the ad-hoc open-ended working group on a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution (OEWG 3.1) provides a brief historical overview of calls for a science-policy panel dedicated to pollution as well as key milestones in chemicals and waste: Towards a science-policy panel to contribute further to the sound management of chemicals and waste and to prevent pollution: an overview (UNEP/SPP-CWP/OEWG.3/INF/6)