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Needs and Questions the Panel May Handle

A call for written submissions on "needs and questions the panel may handle" ran from 10 August-5 September 2023 in response to a request from the OEWG at its resumed first session (OEWG 1.2). 

These submissions were compiled and analysed through an information document prepared in advance of the second session of the working group: UNEP/SPP-CWP/OEWG.2/INF/9 - Summary and analysis of submissions received on needs and questions the panel may handle

All written submissions on needs and questions the panel may handle are linked below, as received by the secretariat.


Government Submissions

 Argentina  |  Australia  |  Bosnia and Herzegovina  |  Brazil  |  Canada  |  Comoros  |  Congo  |  European Union and its Member States  |  Japan  |  Kingdom of Bahrain  |  Peru  |  Qatar  |  Rwanda  |  Saudi Arabia  |  Serbia  |  Sri Lanka  |  Syrian Arab Republic  |  Tanzania  |  United Kingdom  |  United States of America  |  Yemen

Stakeholders Submissions

CARPIN  |  CBCGDF  |  CEOBS  |  CHEPHED  |  CIEL  |  CTECO  |  CYMG  |  Greenpeace  |  ICCA  |  ILO  |  INTEV  |  IPCP  |  IPEN  |  ISDR  |   NORCE  |  Norwegian Institute for Air Research  |  RSC  |  SETAC  | Spanish Council for Scientific Research  |  UV Society  |  Welfare Togo  |  UNEP  |  WHO 


Last updated: 21 Mar 2025, 12:30