Meet the team

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83 results found

Johan Robinson is a Senior Programme Officer responsible for the UN Environment-Global Environment Facility Biodiversity & Land Degradation portfolios.

Piedad is a Spanish environmentalist specialized in economic development. Since joining the organization in 2015, she has focused on honing strategic planning and achieving concrete results. Having worked in sustainable development and international cooperation for 17 years, she has wide experience on policy and field work in the Nexus between environment and “Leaving No One Behind”.

Categorized Under: Portfolio Coordinator

Jochem Zoetelief

Jochem heads the Climate Services and Capacity Building Unit in UNEP’s Science Division.

He leads efforts on strengthening the science-policy interface at country level and oversees the UNEP GEF-funded Cross-cutting Capacity Development (CCCD) portfolio as well as the GCF-funded Climate Information and Early Warning Systems (CIEWS) portfolio.

Jessica Troni

Jessica Troni is Senior Programme Officer responsible for the UN Environment-Global Environment Facility Climate Change Adaptation portfolio.

Dr. Hartwig Kremer coordinated UNEP’s Global Environment Monitoring Systems, Scientific Assessments and data, SDG and partnership-focused activities, with a lens on freshwater, the ocean and air quality.

Kevin Helps is Senior Programme Officer responsible for the UN Environment-Global Environment Facility Chemicals and Waste portfolio. 

Categorized Under: Portfolio Manager

Sudhir Sharma

Sudhir Sharma is an Officer in Charge of UNEP's GEF Climate Change Mitigation team, based in the Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific.

Categorized Under: Climate Change MitigationStaff

Asher Lessels

Asher is responsible for UNEP’s portfolio of GEF mitigation projects in Latin America and the Caribbean.

He oversees the development and implementation of more than 25 projects in the region, in areas including sustainable cities, electric mobility, renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate transparency.

Categorized Under: Climate Change MitigationStaff

Fatma Twahir

Fatma Twahir is an Administrative Officer of the GEF Climate Mitigation unit (CMU). 

She is responsible for the Financial and Administrative Management of the Unit. She has extensive experience and knowledge in Budget and Finance, with over 30 years working both in the private sector and the UN.

Categorized Under: Climate Change MitigationStaff

Alex Forbes

Alex is a programme management officer with the Climate Change Adaptation Unit based at the Nature for Climate Branch in the UNEP’s Ecosystem Division in Nairobi.

Categorized Under: Climate Change AdaptationStaff

Isabelle has extensive experience with the negotiation, formulation, and implementation of technical assistance projects primarily GEF funded, and has worked with multiple partners.

Categorized Under: International WatersStaff

Julien Lheureux

Julien is responsible for UNEP’s portfolio of GEF-funded climate change mitigation projects in Africa, as well as a global programme on electric mobility.

Categorized Under: Climate Change MitigationStaff

Suzanne Lekoyiet

Suzanne oversees the development and implementation of UNEP’s projects which support developing countries meet their reporting obligation under the UN Framework Convention on Climate change.

Categorized Under: Climate Change MitigationStaff

Kavita Sharma

Kavita Sharma is a Task Manager with the UNEP GEF Biodiversity Land Degradation Unit, based in Bangkok. Prior to joining the UNEP GEF team, Kavita worked on natural capital accounting in Asia, Africa, and Europe at UNEP's The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) secretariat in Geneva, and as a management consultant with PricewaterhouseCoopers India.

Categorized Under: BiodiversityStaff

Essa works under the GEF Executive Coordinator as Coordination Officer supporting the overall management of GEF Portfolio in UNEP. His role is focused on corporate compliance, reporting, and programme management.

Categorized Under: Portfolio Coordinator

Alex Owusu-Biney

Alex Owusu-Biney supports the UNEP-GEF Portfolio on Biosafety in the development, implementation and technical support to the National Biosafety Frameworks in line with Member States obligations to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety at the Global, Regional and National Levels.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Jane Nimpamya

Jane has been with UNEP’s Ecosystems Division since 2014 as the GEF Task Manager in charge of Africa, where she is charged with project development, implementation, supervision and management, plus knowledge management and UNEP/GEF corporate tasks. Since then she has mobilized over $50 million in funding from GEF to UNEP and the participating countries.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Sangjin Lee

Sangjin is a Task Manager of the GEF Biodiversity and Land Degradation Unit at UNEP, where he facilitates the development and implementation of UNEP’s overall agenda through coordination of UNEP-GEF Biodiversity and Land Degradation projects in the Pacific region, as well as selected countries in the Asia Region.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Ersin Esen

Ersin has 23 years of experience in development planning, strategic management planning, project cycle management, project evaluation, capital budgeting and international negotiations.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Christopher Cox

Christopher is a Task Manager for the Caribbean portfolio of GEF-funded Biodiversity and Land Degradation projects within UNEP's Ecosystems Division.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Adamou Bouhari

A national of Niger Republic, Adamou is currently serving as the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Task Manager Biodiversity and Land Degradation with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Anna Kontorov

Anna Kontorov has over 15 years of experience working on climate change adaptation, ecosystems and biodiversity issues.

She started her career at the Finnish Ministry of the Environment, focusing on European Union and international biodiversity policy processes, joining UNEP’s Climate Change Adaptation Unit at the end of 2007.

Categorized Under: Climate Change AdaptationStaff

Moon Shrestha

Currently based in Bangkok managing projects in the Asia Pacific region, Moon Shrestha has been working as task manager for GEF and GCF projects with UNEP for over five years. During this period, she has been involved in developing and managing various GEF/GCF projects mainly related with ecosystem-based adaptation.

Categorized Under: Climate Change AdaptationStaff

Peerayot Sidonrusmee

Peerayot Sidonrusmee currently works for the UNEP GEF Biodiversity & Land Degradation portfolio for Asia and the Pacific, where he provides support for UNEP GEF Biodiversity and Land Degradation projects.

Categorized Under: Biodiversity, Land DegradationStaff

Anu oversees the GEF Chemicals and Waste Portfolio finances and administrative queries.

She has 17 years of experience in administration at the UN Office of Nairobi and in programme budgeting in UNEP. Anu is a national of the Netherlands and India, she holds an MBA.


Categorized Under: Chemicals & WasteStaff

Showing 1 - 25 of 83